Level 6 in 7 Months?!
Hello dancers! It's been a while since I've posted. A lot has been going on in my life but don't worry, I won't be abandoning this blog!...
What Do Ballerinas Eat?: Winter Grocery List
Pumpkin spice season has come to a close, it's officially peppermint season! Winter is the perfect time of year for salads filled with...
My Biggest Flexibility Tip
There are a lot of resources online that claim to know the 1 way to get flexible fast. The truth of the matter is that the fastest way...
Dear Diary, My Ballet Story
Since I've branded myself as a "late beginner", I realize that it might be confusing in future posts if I refer to experiences I've had...
Dear Diary, My Bone Condition
Hello dancers! About a month ago I started experiencing pain in my left knee. At first it wasn't too bad, and as time went on I would go...
What Do Ballerinas Eat?: Pre and Post Workout Snacks
Having trouble deciding what to eat before and after dance class? Here are some quick snacks that can easily be eaten on the go. Pre...
Setting Personal Goals
I'm a firm believer that self discipline triumphs motivation in most circumstances, but unfortunately I'm not disciplined enough (yet!)...
Dear Diary, My First Rhythmic Gymnastics Class
I've wanted to try rhythmic gymnastics for a year now and for my birthday I finally got to! As with ballet, I enjoy watching rhythmic...
Everyday Dance Hacks
Finding the time to dedicate hours every day to practicing dance can be difficult, but practicing dance outside of the studio is one of...
What do Ballerinas Eat?: Autumn Grocery List
In an effort to support local farmers and eat fresh foods on a budget, I've started trying to buy groceries based on what's in season....