Where Have I Been?
Hey Guys! I haven't talked to you in a long time, but I have a lot of exciting things going on to tell you about!
First on the list, I've found out how to set up Amazon affiliate links. This means that if I link a product on Amazon on my blog and you guys decide to purchase it, I get a percent of the profit. I'm really excited about being able to use this blog as a way to earn money that can hopefully be put towards my dancing. I think something really fun would be to find ballet-related products and post reviews on them for you. I recently purchased a foot stretcher from Amazon, so that will be the first product I review!
Second, I was in Coppelia!! I'm not sure if I've told you guys about this yet, but I was moved down to level 4. I was extremely nervous about being the oldest person on stage, and it was something that made me feel very insecure. However, I am greatful that I had the experience. I do think it's important to get comfortable being on stage, even if it's something you're anxious about.
Third, I have my first EVER ballet summer intensive starting tomorrow! On Wednesday I will be meeting with my private ballet instructor to make an audition video for another summer intensive that I would be very excited to go to. I would also like to vlog at least one day of the summer intensive to share the experience with you guys! I have been thinking of setting up a Youtube channel and I think that would be a fun first video.
I know I've been MIA for a while, but thank you all so much for sticking around! I was so happy to click on my Wix account and see that over 400 people have read my posts! Your support means so much to me and it motivates me to keep making these posts and share my journey!