Practicing Ballet in Quarantine
Hey guys! Since most of the world is on lock down right now, many of us may be unable to attend ballet class. YouTube has a plethora of channels delivering easy to follow tutorials and classes for dancers of all levels! With that in mind, I'll only be sharing advice for beginner and intermediate dancers. I'm not an advanced dancer so I don't feel comfortable giving advice on thing's I've never experienced, but I would encourage you to seek out advice and classes online since there are many options to choose from.
Beginners: For complete beginners, I would recommend focusing on learning vocabulary. I rushed passed this when I first started ballet and it's something I regret. Learning proper technique at home with no help might be difficult, but I'd recommend trying if you can. Now would also be a great time to start researching and looking for ballet schools in your area. Natalie Danza and Auti Kamal make very helpful and informative videos geared towards beginners and adult ballerinas. Here are some I recommend:
Intermediate: For intermediate dancers, I would recommend focusing on technique and increasing your strength and flexibility. I'll be sharing my current routine with you. I'm doing barre by Katherine Morgan, center by Ballerinas By Night, conditioning by Evgeniya Obratsova (her videos are in Russian but they have English subtitles) and stretching by Anna McNulty. I personally try to stretch every day, do conditioning 3 days a week, and barre and center work 3 other days a week. My best advice is to focus heavily on technique and think back to corrections you've heard often in class. You may even want to record yourself during barre and center so you can get a better understanding of what you look like dancing, and make your own corrections where necessary.
Hopefully these routines are helpful for you. Stay inside, stay safe, and stay healthy!